Tipe soal True / False / Not Given adalah salah satu soal yang hampir pasti akan keluar dalam ujian IELTS maupun ujian bahasa lainnya, namun seringkali teman-teman kesulitan untuk membedakan antara False (salah) dan Not Given (tidak ada informasi). Sebenarnya apa sih yang bisa membuat sebuah pernyataan menjadi T/F/NG?
- True – Pernyataan yang ada memiliki kesesuaian dengan informasi yang ada di soal. Misalkan:
Di bacaan tentang kemerdekaan Indonesia, tertulis: Indonesia merdeka tahun 1945.
Di soal pernyataan : Indonesia merdeka tahun 1945.
Karena kedua informasi ini sesuai, maka jawabannya adalah TRUE - False – Pernyataan yang ada dibantah atau diberikan fakta yang berlawanan dari apa yang ada di soal. Misalkan:
Di bacaan: Indonesia merdeka tahun 1945.
Di soal: Indonesia merdeka tahun 1943.
Karena di soal terdapat perbedaan informasi dari informasi yang terkandung di bacaan, maka jawabannya adalah FALSE. - Not Given – Pernyataan yang ada tidak dapat disimpulkan semata-mata hanya dari bacaan saja, meskipun mungkin kalian bisa berasumsi, jangan dilakukan! Berikut contohnya:
Di bacaan: Indonesia merdeka tahun 1945.
Di soal: Indonesia merdeka dari penjajahan Jepang.
Karena dari bacaan tidak disebutkan sama sekali faktanya bagaimana, meskipun ya mungkin kita sebagai orang Indonesia mengetahui fakta ini, tapi kita tidak dapat menyimpulkan dari bacaan saja, maka dari itu jawabannya adalah NOT GIVEN.
Maka kesimpulan singkatnya adalah, kalau jawaban FALSE, maka harus memiliki bantahan yang merupakan informasi tidak sesuai, di luar itu, maka jawabannya cenderung NOT GIVEN. Di artikel kali ini, akan saya berikan satu contoh bacaan dengan sedikit pembahasan, rajin-rajin mengecek website ini untuk update soal-soal yang terbaru dengan pembahasan tiap minggunya!
The Global Phenomenon: A Journey Through the FIFA World Cup
The FIFA World Cup stands as a pinnacle of sporting excellence, captivating billions of fans worldwide with its blend of skill, drama, and national pride. From its humble beginnings in 1930 to its status today as the most-watched sporting event on the planet, the World Cup has evolved into a global phenomenon that transcends borders and unites nations in a shared passion for football.
The inaugural tournament, held in Uruguay in 1930, featured just 13 teams, with Uruguay emerging as the first-ever World Cup champions. Since then, the tournament has grown exponentially, both in terms of the number of participating teams and global viewership. Today, the World Cup boasts 32 participating teams, representing every corner of the globe, and attracts billions of viewers across television, radio, and digital platforms.
One of the defining features of the World Cup is its ability to bring people together from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Whether in the stadiums or watching from afar, fans of all ages and nationalities come together to celebrate the beautiful game and cheer on their favorite teams. The World Cup transcends linguistic barriers, with the universal language of football serving as a unifying force that fosters camaraderie and friendship among fans.
The tournament’s impact extends far beyond the realm of sports, leaving a lasting legacy on the host countries and communities. Hosting the World Cup is a tremendous honor, providing host nations with an opportunity to showcase their culture, hospitality, and infrastructure to the world. The tournament also serves as a catalyst for economic growth, driving tourism, investment, and job creation in host cities.
However, the road to the World Cup is not without its challenges. Qualifying for the tournament is a rigorous process that spans several years and involves hundreds of matches played by national teams from around the world. Only the best of the best earn the right to compete on the world stage, making each World Cup appearance a testament to a nation’s footballing prowess and dedication.
Despite the intense competition, the World Cup is ultimately a celebration of the beautiful game and the spirit of sportsmanship. From the thrilling moments of victory to the heartbreak of defeat, the tournament captivates audiences with its high-stakes drama and unforgettable moments. Whether it’s the iconic goals, the nail-biting penalty shootouts, or the jubilant celebrations, the World Cup never fails to deliver excitement and emotion to fans around the world.
As we look ahead to future editions of the World Cup, one thing remains certain: the tournament will continue to inspire and unite people of all backgrounds in their love for football. Whether you’re a lifelong fan or new to the game, the FIFA World Cup offers a spectacle like no other, showcasing the best of football and the unbreakable bonds it creates among fans worldwide.
- The first FIFA World Cup in 1930 featured 32 participating teams.
- The FIFA World Cup has experienced a decline in global viewership over the years.
- The FIFA World Cup fosters camaraderie and friendship among fans regardless of linguistic barriers.
- Hosting the FIFA World Cup has no economic impact on host countries and communities.
- Qualifying for the FIFA World Cup is a relatively straightforward process for national teams.
- The FIFA World Cup is primarily a showcase for individual players rather than a celebration of teamwork and sportsmanship.
Kunci jawaban dan pembahasan:
- Question: The first FIFA World Cup in 1930 featured 32 participating teams.
- Answer: False
- Key Sentence/Word: “The inaugural tournament, held in Uruguay in 1930, featured just 13 teams…”
- Question: The FIFA World Cup has experienced a decline in global viewership over the years.
- Answer: False
- Key Sentence/Word: “Today, the World Cup boasts 32 participating teams… and attracts billions of viewers across television, radio, and digital platforms.”
- Question: The FIFA World Cup fosters camaraderie and friendship among fans regardless of linguistic barriers.
- Answer: True
- Key Sentence/Word: “The World Cup transcends linguistic barriers, with the universal language of football serving as a unifying force…”
- Question: Hosting the FIFA World Cup has no economic impact on host countries and communities.
- Answer: False
- Key Sentence/Word: “Hosting the World Cup is a tremendous honor, providing host nations with an opportunity to showcase their culture, hospitality, and infrastructure to the world. The tournament also serves as a catalyst for economic growth…”
- Question: Qualifying for the FIFA World Cup is a relatively straightforward process for national teams.
- Answer: False
- Key Sentence/Word: “Qualifying for the tournament is a rigorous process that spans several years and involves hundreds of matches played by national teams from around the world.”
- Question: The FIFA World Cup is primarily a showcase for individual players rather than a celebration of teamwork and sportsmanship.
- Answer: False
- Key Sentence/Word: “Despite the intense competition, the World Cup is ultimately a celebration of the beautiful game and the spirit of sportsmanship.”
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