Beasiswa IISMA (Indonesian International Student Mobility Award) adalah salah satu skema beasiswa yang sekarang ini cukup populer di kalangan mahasiswa, dimana beasiswa yang didanai oleh Kemendikbud ini memberi kesempatan bagi mahasiswa untuk merasakan sistem pembelajaran di salah satu dari 27 negara tujuan (terus di update) selama beberapa bulan.

Melihat kepopuleran dari beasiswa ini, tentu saja memiliki pendaftar yang cukup banyak, namun tiap universitas hanya bisa mendaftarkan sejumlah mahasiswa sehingga persaingan menjadi cukup ketat baik dalam universitas maupun skala nasional. Untuk syarat pendaftaran sendiri tidak terlalu sulit, cukup dokumen kemahasiswaan, sertifikasi yang dimiliki (terutama bahasa Inggris), dan juga essay yang menjawab pertanyaan beasiswa IISMA.
Setelah lolos dari tahap administrasi, kandidat akan menjalani proses interview. Proses ini bisa jadi cukup intimidatif karena rekan-rekan mahasiswa mungkin tidak sering menjalani situasi interview formal dengan pertanyaan yang mungkin cukup menantang. Oleh karena itu, kali ini akan saya list beberapa pertanyaan yang sering muncul, karena biasanya pertanyaan ini bertujuan menggali informasi lebih dalam terkait dengan esai yang kalian tulis saat pendaftaran. Berikut pertanyaan interview terkait dengan tiap soal essay!
Essay 1
Discuss your academic and non-academic achievements, including the process and skills involved in your previous or current degree program!
1. Can you tell me briefly about yourself, your name, your major, and your university?
2. How do you find your study so far? What is the most interesting course you have and why?
3. What have you learned about your subject?
4. Why is your major still relevant for indonesia?
5. What organization that very interesting to you, and how does it shape you into you right now?
Essay 2
Please outline your plans to engage with local and international communities during IISMA program using clear examples!
1. What are your plans to engage with local and national communities during your study abroad?
2. What activities would you like to do and why?
3. How is your research about your plan? (Feasibility, requirements, restrictions, eligibility)
4. Native people are known to be hard to approach, what will you do if you fail to approach them?
5. How are you going to establish your international network upon your study and utilize it for your career and for Indonesia?
6. Are you aware of potential culture shock that you might experience? How have you prepared yourself?
Essay 3
Discuss a time when you faced a difficult challenge or hurdle during your study and how you navigated through it!
1. Have you experienced academic challenges/problems during your study so far?
2. How do you deal with it? What lessons do you take from that experience?
Essay 4
Explain about your health condition!
1. How do you keep your health? What is your health to you?
2. You mentioned that you have a problem with your circadian rhythm. The host country has 4 seasons, each season has a different time, it probably will impact your circadian rhythm. What will you do to cope with that?
3. You mentioned that you experienced burn out, what will you do to cope with that in the host country?
4. How are you going to cope with different seasons in country X?
1. What do you think aboutĀ IISMA?
2. In what ways can you contribute back for this program? in your university, in your future life?
3. Why do you choose the host country?
4. Why do you choose University X and University Y?
5. Why do you choose the courses?/ You are a X major student but you choose Z classes, are you sure? Why?
Courses that I take for the University X:
Semoga pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang saya share di kesempatan kali ini bisa berguna, untuk jawaban essay, akan saya bahas di postingan lain, berikut juga dengan contoh cara menjawab interview beasiswa. Good luck all~